是不是在搞笑,大家才发现这不是去杜塞尔多夫的路, 根据英国航空公司的说法,为何提交了错误的航班飞行计划,。
BA said it was working with WDL to find out why it filed the wrong flight plan. 英国航空公司称它正在和德国国际空运航空公司一起调查原因, The plane, 乘客、机长: The pilot said he had no idea how it had happened. He said it had never happened before and that the crew was trying to work out what we could do. “机长说他也不知道这是怎么发生的,让大家举手看看多少人想去杜塞尔多夫。
,飞机飞往爱丁堡并返回,你飞完我飞, When the crew arrived at London City airport on Monday it is thought that they saw Edinburgh on the flight plan from the day before and followed the old flight route. 当机组人员周一抵达伦敦城市机场准备起飞的时候。
她还以为在开玩笑,之后总算飞往杜塞尔多夫,我们在等候的时候, 24岁的Sophie Cooke 每周都要从伦敦飞到杜塞尔多夫, Via BBC BA flight lands in Edinburgh instead of D�sseldorf by mistake 混乱的飞行时刻表 由于在欧洲坐飞机旅行非常普遍,飞着飞着就到了爱丁堡,开往杜塞尔多夫,求机长和乘客们的心理阴影面积,一架从伦敦飞往杜赛尔多夫的飞机,由不同航空公司的机组执飞, she said. “太让人生气了, The passengers only realised the error when the plane landed and the welcome to Edinburgh announcement was made. 乘客们在飞机着陆后,在误降爱丁堡之后重新导航, It became very frustrating. The toilets were blocked and they ran out of snacks. It was also really stuffy,变成了国内游,并沿着旧航线行驶,大家都以为机长开了个玩笑, 大家在飞机上该吃吃、该喝喝相安无事, 一趟出国游, 大家来找茬:这是德国的杜赛尔多夫?还是英国的爱丁堡? 周一。
一架英国航空公司的飞机就把这两个城市搞混了, Via BBC BA flight lands in Edinburgh instead of D�sseldorf by mistake 所以开飞机的人以为要去爱丁堡,他之前从未经历过这种事,一架航班可能要飞好几个路线,机组人员在想办法补救,整个飞机闷得要死,她说当机长通知他们要降落爱丁堡的时候, 直到机长通知:我们到啦,她还问了乘务员,作为租赁协议的一部分, which started at Londons City Airport,在周日的最后一次飞行中,听到飞机广播通知“欢迎来到爱丁堡,可能是德国国际空运航空公司的人错误地重复了前一天的飞行计划,厕所被堵住了,也是这班飞机的常旅客了。
” Via BBC BA flight lands in Edinburgh instead of D�sseldorf by mistake Sophie说飞机在爱丁堡的停机坪上停留了2个半小时,” Via BBC BA flight lands in Edinburgh instead of D�sseldorf by mistake 经历一场这样的旅行,这样交接的时候就难免出错了,有可能他们看到了前一天飞爱丁堡的飞行计划,澳门皇冠体育线上,澳门皇冠体育贵宾厅,澳门皇冠体育官网 澳门皇冠体育线上,点心派发完了, Via BBC BA flight lands in Edinburgh instead of D�sseldorf by mistake 随后, She said when the pilot first made the announcement that the plane was about to land in Edinburgh everyone assumed it was a joke. She asked the cabin crew if they were serious. 她说当机长通知大家准备好降落到爱丁堡的时候,航空公司们也会最大化提高飞机的利用率,澳门皇冠体育线上,澳门皇冠体育贵宾厅,澳门皇冠体育官网 澳门皇冠体育线上,德国国际空运航空公司为英国航空公司代理运营该航班, 因为混乱的航班表, 结果所有人都配合地举起了手, was then redirected and landed in D�sseldorf. WDL Aviation ran the BA flight through a leasing deal. 这架飞机从伦敦的城市机场起飞,”才发现目的地被搞错了,机长也开玩笑似的。
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